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Name:   KWhopper - Email Member
Subject:   Swollen lug nuts
Date:   8/26/2020 5:47:01 PM

This is not really a "boat maintenance" issue but relates to tow vehicle. I recently took my 2016 F 150 for 5000 mile service cycle and was told by the Ford dealer service center that they could/would not rotate my tires because the chrome plated lug nuts were "swollen". They would replace the nuts with the same model that just swelled for $166. 


According to the all-knowing internet, cheap chrome plated lug nuts can rust on the inside of the chrome and cause the outer chrome jacket to swell so regular lug wrench will not fit. 


Has anyone ever heard of this and if so, who do you  do to prevent it from happening again? This topic sounds like it should be in the jokes section

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Swollen lug nuts
Date:   8/27/2020 1:00:39 AM (updated 8/27/2020 1:02:08 AM)

It is a known issue with many Ford models. I would buy a set of nuts that are one piece and take the truck to a tire dealer and have then replaced. You might call a tire dealer about a tire rotation and tell them you want to replace the nuts with some you purchased.

 There are after market nuts that are one piece. You do not want OEM style want one piece.

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