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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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Newt slams Ron Allen on Palin
9/30/2008 7:13:17 AM
Checkmate for Newt !!!!!!!!!!!!
Who has more experience.
URL: Newt on Palin ... Checkmate
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Newt slams Ron Allen on Palin
9/30/2008 8:52:52 AM
This looked liked a father daughter interview with Couric. Newt obviousy missed it.
URL: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4487886n
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Newt slams Ron Allen on Palin
9/30/2008 11:35:07 AM
What I found interesting with the Couric/Palin/McCain interview, I swear it looked to me like John McCain was gritting his teeth every time Palin opened her mouth. And I never did understand the comment about "gotcha" journalism since she was answering a question from a private citizen.
I think that they should give her the information and let her go. I think her handlers have tried to tell her what to say and how to say it. I'm not sure I think that is fair to her, and I think it would trip anyone up.
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Give me a break
9/30/2008 12:52:41 PM
Here is a "seasoned pro" like Biden and he is talking about the 30's and the great depression and talks about the president going on TV. Where is the media with the blunders he makes. All you liberals want to point fingers and say gotcha if she makes a mistake, yet a much more seasoned pro you just ignore some of the crazy things said.
Also, i watched a clip that was put together on Hanity & Combs (go ahead and say that it it biased) about all the crazy things Obama said and how many he changed his position on through the election. Where is the media calling him on this. It makes John Kerry's flip flops look minor in comparison.
Everyone seems to be afraid to call Obama on his mistakes for fear they will be called a racist. That is nuts. Rake him over the coals .... he really does lack a basic understanding. McCain said it best .... if the president negotiates with no preconditions and the first time the president sits down with the president of Iran and he says we are going to have neculear weapons and destroy Israel and we say no you are not .... where does the discussion go from there? Ok we will agree to you only destroying a part of Israel or you can only have some neuclear weapons. Come on the guy made a dumb statement and he will not admit it.
Yes there can be negotiations ... but ONLY after conditions are met. And the president is not involved in those negotiations until the conditions are agreed to or we look weak. He just does not get it or will he get the respect of the military with all the negative things he has said and his refusal to salute the flag, wear a flag pin or show any respect for what our flag means.
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Give me a break
9/30/2008 5:21:56 PM
Watch the clip again and see the "Gotcha" comments. Mine was just a takeoff on it. I won't insult your intelligence with a comment.
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Newt slams Ron Allen on Palin
9/30/2008 8:45:04 PM
Not sure what he missed ... just watched this ... thanks for sharing. She did a great job and pointed out she has executive experience. Not many govenors do have foreign policy experience, including Clinton when he ran. And remind me again, what is Obama's foreign policy experience? I forgot.
I would appreciate you sharing .... is Chicago a in Illinois, which is a state in the USA. Lets see, community organizer to get Acorn to get sub prime loans for people that did not deserve them. State representative and US senator. Where did the foreign policy experience come in? No committees, no legislation. He did have one trip to Iraq after he started to run for president. Palin had 3 as govenor.
Hmmm ... seems she may have more than Obama and we know she has more executive experience.
Sounds like Newt was right. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!