Need Good Irrigation/Well Service Person
4/4/2017 6:52:40 PM
Would appreciate a recommendation on a good irrigation system, well pump repair person. My irrigation system is set up like a well in that it uses a pressure tank. It is a demand system so when a faucet or sprinkler is turned on, the water comes from the pressure tank till the pressure drops below a certain setting, then the pump comes on and draws water from the lake into the tank.
The last irrigation system guy that I had out here a couple of years ago has been in businsess a long time and was recommended. He looked at my pressure tank and said, and I quote, "never seen one of those before" and proceeded to let all of the air out of my tank. Then he removed the flow restrictor and back flow valves from my system, saying, and I quote, "it will work alot better without these." He then left and sent me a text that my system was fixed. I went down to the lake to check things out and of course, my pump was cycling on-and-off indefinatly. I put the backflow valve and flow restrictor back in, pumped up the air in my pressure tank. to the pressure that I found recommended on-line, and everything worked fine for a couple of years. And of course, this repair guy sent me a bill for hundreds of dollars that like a fool, I paid, as I did not wish to deal with him any more.
So, if anyone can recommend someone that really knows what they are doing, familiar with pressure tank systems, etc., and won't charge three times the normal rate because I live on the lake and of course, therefore, must be rich and stupid, I sure wopuld appreciate it.