It's a crying shame
3/9/2012 10:01:07 PM
that as you worked for your MBA, you learned NOTHiNG about the private sector, and your career apparently limited your contact to business people that would sell out the nation. Business owners, micro, small, medium, and large want nothing more than to add people. Think human nature, growth, and accompanying profit. As for healthcare, the escalating costs were a concern. You keep saying it was the uninsured, yet, the acceleration ties directly to HiPPA, you know, the law that required group health insurers to waive the wait, add the psycho, rehab, and AiDS benefits. As for costs, 20 years ago, my employer paid 100% of single coverage, and family benefit on an HMO (US Healthcare) cost me $110/month. 19 years ago, my employer paid 100% of single, and family benefit cost me $246/ month. The following year, the rates went up, and i decided to assume more risk by shifting to a traditional major medical at $57/month. i won financially that year, and every year after. Today, carrying a individual major med family plan, with dental, 3 years younger than you, with college kids on it, a $750 deductible, $3500 stop loss, prescription, i pay , $630/month. Oblamacare costs, based on CBO estimates,nearly $1000/month PER person. You and people like you, see medical care as a right. Maybe you are right. BUT, it does not have to be at the same level, or in the same facilities, as people who have decided to make the monthly payment. Unless the situation is life threatening, let them wait in lines at the health department, or at a clinic. Until you are able to grasp that there is a fundamental difference, payees vs parasites, from where i sit, 3 rows back of the home dugout, you will always cat calling from the cheap seats.