Jokes: Irish golfer
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Name:   MartiniMan The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Irish golfer
Date:   10/24/2019 10:33:06 AM

An American travels to Ireland and after he ends up in Kilarney he decides he wants to play golf.  But he hates to play alone so he goes to the local pub and asks around for someone to play with.  But he tells them he's pretty good so he doesn't want a hacker.  To a man they said he ought to play with Sean McNalley.  So he calls old Sean and invites him to play.  Sean says, "Sure and will be glad to, but I may be a half hour late".  So the next day Sean shows up on time and is playing with left handed clubs.  And sure enough Sean beats the American pretty well.  So the American says he wants a rematch the next day and Sean says, "Sure and will be glad to, but I may be a half hour late." The next day Sean shows up on time but with right handed clubs.  The American thinks to himself that he's gonna beat him for sure since he's playing opposite handed.  Sure enough Sean beats him again right handed and even worse than the first day. 

So now the American is really miffed and begs Sean to give him one more chance to beat him tomorrow and Sean replies, "Sure and will be glad to, but I may be a half hour late."  So the American responds, "Wait a second, the first day you play left handed, the second day right handed and both days you said you were gonna be late but showed up on time.  What gives?!?!?"  So Sean replies, "Well, if when I get up and the wife is laying on her left side I play with me leftie clubs.  And if she is laying on her right side I play with me righty clubs.  And if she'e laying her back I'll be a half hour late."

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Irish golfer - MartiniMan - 10/24/2019 10:33:06 AM
     Irish golfer - Buteye - 10/24/2019 12:35:50 PM

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