Weiss Lake Topics: pass the winter time hours..
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
pass the winter time hours..
1/10/2006 10:37:07 AM
I'll do my best to explain http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=135183 Hopefully, by now you have signed up for a free membership and clicked on the "start surfing" button toward the top /middle left part of the Members Home Page. If so, you'll see that the ads rotate through on a automatic clock. To earn on 12dpPro you must auto-click through at least 12 sites and can max out at 30. As a free member, you do earn, but I don't believe you can cash out without upgrading. (I'm not sure, since I immediately upgraded to a paid membership when I started.)
When you upgrade, you are essentially buying a paid membership to the 12DailyPro site for a 12 day period. As a member, you are paid to view websites. (These websites normally advertise similar autosurfing programs and do not allow any type of pornography or gambling ads). Your earnings depend on how many units you actually upgrade. For example, if you upgrade the minimal amount, you would buy one unit for $6. Then each day you surf the required 12 pages you would earn 12% of the $6 or $.72. At the end of the 12 days your membership units expire and you would have earned $8.64. The $8.64 is pended for payment and is sent to your payment processor within 8 days (or so.) In this example you would have actually earned $2.64 during the 12 days. You are allowed to have two upgrades (of varying unit amounts) at any one time, and I always keep two active so my membership is always current. Also, once you buy your units, be sure to surf everyday while your upgrade is active, otherwise you won't earn nearly as much as you could.
You'll need to have a payment processor. 12daily uses Stormpay which is similar to Paypal. Here's a link... http://www.stormpay.com/?2542655.
There is risk but I have had fun and it has made me some money...but I haven't ever upgraded more than I'm comfortable with. If you want to see my payment history, feel free to email. I'm obviously trying to pick up a referral or two so I'll be glad to try and answer any questions. Have fun...