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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   The Democrat party never changes
Date:   1/31/2025 9:31:34 AM

Dems Pre Civil War - we can't free slaves, who will pick your cotton?

Dems today - we can't send back illegals, who will pick your fruit?

The following cartoon is so spot on it's not even remotely funny.  Democrats have always needed an underclass.  First it was slaves. Then LBJ came along with the Great Society to make them slaves to govt handouts and reliable Democrat votes.  Then it was Democrats the opposed equal rights and imposed Jim Crow.  And today it's Democrats needing an underclass of illegal aliens to prop up census numbers for sanctuary states and to pick the fruit and mow the lawn.


Name:   lucky67 - Email Member
Subject:   The Democrat party never changes
Date:   1/31/2025 10:18:35 AM

think harris has a lawn service for her nuce green lawn ? by the way--where is she-- ? she gonna have a library to honor her achievements ?

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   The Democrat party never changes
Date:   1/31/2025 11:07:18 AM

Its funny how the message never changes - Branco does hit the nail on the head often.


Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   David Hogg as DNC Vice Chair - RFLMAO!!
Date:   2/2/2025 11:39:32 AM

Not only are they racists but they invincibly stupid putting a guy that got famous on the backs of his murdered fellow students, was a failed pillow company owner, and a perfect example of why you should never hire anyone with a Harvard degree in charge of the DNC along with some commie rube from MN that was vice chair of the Kamala/aWalz failed campaign.  I guess they were impressed with the latter's ability to pi$$ away $1.5B in less than 3 months only to get blown out.

Hogg had far more endorsements from Republicans hoping and praying they would be stupid enough to put him in a position of responsibility.  Best part is they think this soy boy can relate and attract young men back to the party.  Trust me, the young men that overwhelmingly voted for Trump were the ones having to defend guys like Hogg from the bullies.

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