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Name:   RHH - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/8/2025 10:08:59 PM

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/8/2025 10:35:15 PM

Why did you include me?

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Fake News from RHH
Date:   1/9/2025 7:26:15 AM

Did you actually read tha article?!?  Did you even read the title?  Let me answer this for everyone.....not a chance.  I'm not a doctor, never played one on TV and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I'm pretty sure Ivermectin is not spelled h-y-d-r-o-x-y-c-h-l-o-r-o-q-u-i-n-e, proving that whatever school RHH went to failed him in reading comprehension and spelling.  Ya see sparky, the paper in question, which I had never before even heard of let alone relied on for any health care decision I have made, is about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), not Ivermectin.

Onto the fake news part of it, and this is typical SOP for rags like USA Today and it works like a charm with the scientifically illiterate such as RHH.  The article makes the obvious error of assuming that this one paper is the only source of data about the possible efficacy of HCQ.  I have not personally studied this as I have with Ivermectin so I don't know much about HCQ studies, and not surprisingly this was not addressed in the article. But the fact that one early-on study was retracted doesn't impact other studies that may have come to the same conclusion.  But I can assure you that the journalism major who wrote this article is clueless about that as well.

More importantly,  the retraction of one article from eons ago is not dispositive of anything other than that particular study.  As mentioned in the article, the reason for its retraction was the small sample size and other methodological errors in data analysis.  What that means for the scientifically illiterate is not that HCQ doesn't work, only that this particular study did not use proper methodology to prove that it does or doesn't.  If you cannot see the difference then I can't help you.

So none of this applies to me in the least but if you want to do some research on your own regarding all studies that have examined HCQ and draw your own conclusions please do.  I frankly could care less as I have and have used Ivermectin when I had COVID and I completely recovered in 3 days with no lingering issues.  Probably one of the mildest cases of coronavirus I have ever had.  And I have been taking z-pak ever since and have not had even a mild cold or the flu in years and I used to get it every winter.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/9/2025 7:28:01 AM

I could ask the same question but I suspect yours is guilt by association.  As I demonstrate below RHH has performed a flawless self own because he is a scientifically illiterate leftist.  I tried to explain his many errors but I doubt he will comprehend it.

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/9/2025 9:06:16 AM (updated 1/9/2025 9:56:18 AM)

Take it, dont take it - really dont care-  MM explained the retraction nicely.

My biggest problem with the "ivermectin" was "It Is A HoRsE DrUg", while I know people on it who use it to treat Lupis and the fact that Drs who wanted to even try it were threatened with lose of license or worse.  RHH - read the literally headline of your link - HCQ!!!!

If your Dr is willing to prescribe it in the early onset of a literal pandemic - what the hell is the harm when so little was known? 

How much of the news cycle was literally pushback to the fact that Trump recommended it?  Thats where I would like to see a study!


I never took it, or anything for that matter.  Had covid or many of its variants 5 times (had three vaccine shots to boot - lets discuss how effective that was!!) and have had worse colds.  It ran through my family like Mexican fresh water.  The worst symptons in the family was my son lost his ability to smell for a week and my daughter ran a degree or two fever.  I had a runny nose and cough.  


Had it caused me worse problems, I would have taken the "HoRsE DrUg" before I had them put me on the ventilitor which is excluding Covid usually does not lead to good outcomes.










Name:   Carlson - Email Member
Subject:   Vitamin D plus
Date:   1/9/2025 4:08:45 PM

Prevention works.  I use immune support mixture of A, C, zinc,quercetin, d3, elderberry's turmeric echinacea and ginger (available at Amazon).   If I were to contract I have the ivermectin paste. 

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   MM
Date:   1/9/2025 5:31:01 PM

I followd everthing until this..."Probably one of the mildest cases of coronavirus I have ever had."  How many damn cases of COVID did you catch?

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   MM
Date:   1/11/2025 9:04:29 PM

Goofy, look up coronavirus. It's a common virus.  COVID-19 is just one of many variants. 

Name:   Shortbus - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/15/2025 12:31:26 PM


Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/15/2025 4:02:34 PM (updated 1/15/2025 4:03:07 PM)

I agree that remdesivir is pretty nasty.  I have read some things regarding cancer and invermetin but nothing I would make claims to.  But if you have cancer and your dr is willing - why not let them try.  Oh no, the alternative is probably chemo and all the misery that goes with it.


My Body, My Choice apparently only covers killing babies.

Name:   Shortbus - Email Member
Subject:   Ivermectin Hoax for Drs. Martini,Phil,Hoda etc…
Date:   1/16/2025 6:32:39 PM


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