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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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CatHouse strikes again
1/14/2021 2:45:57 PM
My old pontoon boat is old enough to vote now so as a special treat I took the old girl in to have Steve and the crew give her a nice checkup since she had never been in a shop before, only DIY maintenece. He gave the old girl a clean bill of health. Of course it was great news. No major money problems.
So tomorrow I go by to drop a nice 5 figure check in his lap for the new Yamaha 115...lol. Most shops would start telling you all the things wrong that need to be fixed and then try to sell you a new one. Not Steve. He says ain't nothing wrong with that motor, here let me sell you a new one....lol. Obviuosly it works.
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CatHouse strikes again
1/14/2021 3:10:52 PM
In my experiene a fool and his money should never visit Steve.....his sole goal in life is the keep Dee Dee happy and I give you credit for doing your part. Having said that, a new engine on an old boat is far cheaper than a new engine on a new boat.
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CatHouse strikes again
1/14/2021 6:10:50 PM
She is an old girl but she looks good! Now she's is gonna run a little faster, I went form a 90 to a 115hp, from carberated to EFI. 18yo unwarrented to to new with a 5yr warranty. I am not complaining.
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CatHouse strikes again
1/14/2021 6:29:54 PM
Got to Love that ole Cat
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CatHouse strikes again
1/16/2021 11:34:36 AM
First and Foremost, Thank you VERY MUCH for your business. I enjoyed the chat very much. And, what I told you was that old engine runs well, it was just worn out, and with a tune up, it would STILL be a worn out engine that runs well. Welcome to the world of EFI. I am sure you will enjoy your new Yamaha 115 SHO. In the year 2020 we re-powered 64 boats with Yamaha Outboards and made many folks happy. It will offer good dependable and reliable ownership. It was nice to meet ZMAN here as well. Folks on this Forum are mighty good to us, and it is appreciated very much. God Bless.
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CatHouse strikes again
1/16/2021 2:37:02 PM
It was good to see you too my freind. It was wonderful to see your health improvements also. You are definately headed in the right direction.
ON second thougth I think I am offended that you called my 18 year old cauberated Honda 90 with 2 boat loads of hours "worn out" . She is just now old enough to vote....lol.
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CatHouse strikes again
1/17/2021 10:35:33 AM
Actually didn't remember my "handle"' . Zman was already taken so Cat got to meet "ZZZ". Enjoyed meeting Lifer when we picked up the boat. Read many great posts on Cat over the years and was not disappointed in my experience. He took care of my baby -- a 2003 Mastercraft Maristar that needed the guages replaced. Took a little time due to parts limitations caused by COVID, but Steve (and Dee Dee) were awesome throughout the process.!