(Yankee Meadow Reservoir Specific)
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Updated 9/14/2024 10:10:50 AM
(Yankee Meadow Reservoir Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Got to get a new home PC as my dinosaur is about to go extinct. Been awhile since I have been in the market. CNET.com gives high marks to the Sony Vaio JS250 J and comparable HP Touchsmart. Sony has Blu-ray Optics but don't know how important that is. 2.5 GHz intel core seems to be the standard today. 4GB 800Mhz DDR2 DSRAM seems appropriate. Me and the kids are all MAC literate with MacBooks, but the wife won't approve a non windows based PC for the homefront. I know the forum will give me more info than I can process. Thanks!
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 1:16:56 PM
We are an all MAC family, too. I assume you are aware that all new MACs have an Intel processor and run both OSX and Windows. We run strictly OS but have friends that go back and forth. Recently, wifey bought a new 13 inch MacPro laptop. It is a sweet machine. I am awaiting for the new IMACs which I suspect will be released this fall. I am ready for a new one too.
I never realized that Conservatives also use MAC!!! Good luck on your choice.
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 1:39:05 PM
If you are interested in Dell the below web site has some pretty good deals and you can customize the computer to meet your needs.
URL: gotapex
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 3:38:41 PM
Ask if the unit is 64 bit or 32 bit. The 64 bit units are incompatible with some of the older software. My new lap top was 64 bit and I could not load software from my Brothers MFC 4600 printer/scanner/copier/fax. I had to but a Cannon printer that would be compatible with my new lap top.
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 5:24:00 PM
It's like any other technology, it gets smaller and faster as it goes, like 8 track (anybody remember 8 track?) to cassette to CD to mp3 on CD, like VHS to DVD to Blue-Ray, next we will buy movies on a SD card and then a micro SD card, then you have to have new equipment to use the new media format, have to change everything to sell new equipment!
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 6:48:00 PM
It is called "Planned Obsolescence", and it works well for all electronics, cars, clothes, women's shoes, hairstyles, lawn equipment,,,,, You name it.
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 7:04:01 PM
I know this all too well while sitting here charging my blackberry on a firewire line connected to my laptop that is connected to the net with an aircard to this website while listening to a DVD of MP3's playing on my DVD player on the screened in porch on the surround sound. When I started coming here we had a 9-volt radio and made calls from the Marina or Brooke’s Holiday Shores pay phone. YIKES I'm one of those guys! CHIT!!!!!!!! Oh well it works I guess..... Wow I said that all in one breath!!!!!!
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PC Advice
8/20/2009 10:13:15 PM
I have been using computers for years ... and I would recommend that you get one that has one of those screen type things that lets you see stuff ... a keyboard that lets you type in stuff ... and a mouse that lets you do the point-and-click thing ... other than that, I'm afraid I can't be much help. :)
DJ, We held out for seven years with absolutely no electronics allowed to force the CHILDREN to connect with the lake, their siblings, their parents! etc. Worked well until the wife and I decided WE couldn't continue to come to the lake without the gadgets!? Kids tried to talk us out of it, imagine that!
Heavens to Murgatroid, the wife couldn't make it out of the Apple Store without jumping into the Mac World of PC's. The last holdout in our family......Thanks to all for your help!
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There you go again GF!
8/21/2009 2:03:12 PM
You knew I use a Mac and am a conservative (some would say a right wingnut). Did you know Rush uses nothing but Macs and extolls their virtues? By the way, I never did get Parallels and XP working right but I found a Mac version of Explorer that lets me get into our accounting system. Thanks for the help anyway.....
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8/21/2009 10:42:02 PM
You caught me in one of those liberal lies that occur rather infrequently. I will try to do better. I will try to do better. I will try to do better.
Glad you were able to get the accounting program working.