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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 10:34:32 AM (updated 5/23/2016 10:37:00 AM)
While campaigning Trump has called global warming balony and a hoax! In County Clare, Ireland Trump has filed an application for the permission to build a sea wall to protect his golf course from erosion being caused by....you guessed it....sea rise and stronger more frequent storms caused by global warming. This man's hypocrisy and dishonesty knows no bounds!!!
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 11:47:24 AM
That's a lame example of hypocrisy. Erosion has been around longer than global warming.
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 12:35:43 PM (updated 5/23/2016 12:39:03 PM)
Well what would you call it? Of course erosion has been around for as long as water has run down hill and if Trump was applying on that basis...."we need a sea wall to prevent erosion because erosion is occuring"....then I agree it is not hypocrisy. That is not what the application argues!! Of course it may just be Trump saying (global warming is a hoax) and doing (we need a sea wall because of erosion due to global warming) whatever suits the situation. Par for the course with The Donald. He is a disgusting blow hard who will do or say anything to get his way...fact and truth never enter the equation!!
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 1:05:14 PM
I am glad you guys are paying close attention to mr trump. You are coming around!
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 7:05:54 PM
When you speak of disgusting blowhards you must be looking in a mirror.
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 7:22:48 PM
I have no idea whether global warming is a true thing or not and frankly, at my age, I don't really care. I'm going let the next generation worry about it. But let me ask you Architect - what are you personally doing to counter global warming? Do you recycle everything, let your lawn go natural, do you ride a bicycle every where you go, use solar panels? If you are doing these things, my hat is off to you. But if you are not doing these things, then why despise someone else, when you aren't doing every thing you can do?
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Another reason I dispise Trump...HYPOCRISY
5/23/2016 9:33:29 PM (updated 5/23/2016 9:45:55 PM)
Hound, this string was not started as a discussion of global warming but as a questioning of a politician's hypocritical use of an issue which happens to be global warming! With Trump there are others with equal relevance. I don't dispise Trump for his opinion on this or any other issue...I despise the fact that he seems to be able to get on all sides of so many issues and have his supporters so easily accept it.
To begin with, I don't give two hoots in hell whether Trump or anybody else does or does not accept the fact of global warming. I do have a problem with a man running for president of this great nation saying, for his personal benefit, one thing about global warning for political consumption while doing another for private gain! Do you have a problem when what Trump says contridicts what he does?
Next, I do not have solar panels or a wind generator. I no longer have the knees to ride a bicycle. I do recycle almost everything (at my wife's insistance). I did remove all lawn about 5 years ago and replace with drought resistant shrubs and ground cover that never needs major trimming. I do walk to the drugstore, bank and the neighborhood Kroger for many purchases. My wife and I both drive midsize high mileage 4 cylinder cars. My office is less than 4 miles from home and she is retired so we both put less than 5500 miles a year on the meter (I try to walk at least 5 to 6 miles per day and do tend to smugly feel morally superior to the 5 out of 6 SUVs drivers I see on those walks with no other person in the vehicle)! As needed we replace appliances with high efficiency models. We wear aweaters in winter and open the windows in spring and fall and keep the thermostat at 64 in winter and 74 in summer. I do always turn out the lights and have low flow toilets. I am no saint and do not claim to be, but I try and I do know the earth is warming for whatever reason, I do know it can be mitigated without wrecking the economy and I do know the issue has been consciously selected by the rightwing as a wedge issue and for that reason it will, unfortunately, be the "next generation" that will have to face it when it is a bigger task and that will suffer much more than yours and mine.
Finally, I do respect your choice to put your trust in Donald Trump, but considering your wise comments and advice over the years on this forum, it does come as a surprise.
the reason I don't despise Trump is that I think it is human to change positions on things. Maybe he gets more information, maybe he spends more time thinking abou tit. I have been known to do that. With guns for example. At one point I was on board with the anti-gun people, but then I read more and I thought about it more and now I support people having legal guns.
And on the economy? One time I supported the theory of trickle down economics, and then I read (quite a lot, actually) and realize that I could not answer some basic questions about how this is really a good thing.
Maybe Donald is like a lot of people and sometimes we could argue both sides of an issue. Maybe like me, he lives in his head and is constantly turning things over in his mind. Maybe it isn't just a whim, but he is really trying to grasp the issue and the more input he gets the more he thinks about an issue.
The only thing I have never changed my position on is a woman's right to choose.
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5/24/2016 7:10:14 AM (updated 5/24/2016 7:20:17 AM)
Hound, please don't drink Trump's Kool-Aide...his positions reversals are in no way related to his heart felt beliefs. He has no beliefs beyond "The Donald"! Based on your last sentence alone I don't understand your support of Trump since he has changed his position on that issue. It is, like every other flip-flop he has made...for political expediency. Reality is he doesn't have a position on lots of questions that don't personally effect him other than the politically expedient one. The problem is, now that he is politically beholden to the extreme fringe on the abortion issue*, he will stick to it because he really doesn't care one way or the other beyond the politics that brung him there. Yes, all of us, with the exception of some of this forum, change position when new understanding and previously unknown facts indicate we should. The truth about Trump, as demonstrated by the first post on this string, is that he claims one position the masses demand while at the same time taking the complete opposite position for personal benefit. He is much more a political whore than Hillary could ever hope to be!!
* Reference choice...Trump has said his appointments to the Supreme Court WILL be Anti-abortion. Do you expect him to only get to replace one justice if he spends 4 years in the Oval Office. I hope you pray everynigt for Ruth Bader Ginsberg to hang in there for at least another 5 years!!!
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5/24/2016 7:24:43 AM
Yes and Hillary is such a rock, solid in her beliefs and would never ever change a position based on political expediency or pandering. Remember that she always has hot sauce in her purse if you happen to be in the same chicken joint.
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5/24/2016 9:07:43 AM
Please point out the precise place in my post where I claim Hillary to be rock solid in her beliefs and opinions. Hillary is a whore too...Donald just has an even lower threshold level for where his voluntary prostituting of himself kicks in!! He is a cheap street walker and she only works the expensive hotel bars. Both are sleezy but Trump is the king of sleeze. What a shame that the Libertarian ticket has no chance. I am forced to vote for Hillary to deny Trump the chance to pimp the whole country!!
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All things being Equal -Architect
5/24/2016 10:16:42 AM
Who do you wish would run? who would be your best candidate?
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All things being Equal -Architect
5/24/2016 11:43:23 AM
I wish each party would choose someone that would at least make me pause before casting the vote. I will certainly not have to do so the way it is apparently turning out.
How about Webb or Warner or Kaine (the VA triumverite) against Kasich or Heller or Murkowski? Not a lot of excitement but a lot of common sense and understanding of the need to get away from the extremes!!
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All things being Equal -Architect
5/24/2016 6:01:02 PM
If you want to find yourself nodding your head, the Atlantic Monthly has an interesting article about what makes Donald run. Obviously, the Atlantic doesn't care much for Trump, but an interesting read.