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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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Time to temper expectations
11/12/2024 8:37:16 AM
Especially with the House. In the Senate we have enough seats that we're no longer held hostage by RINOs like Murkoski. But the House is another animal altogether. There are lots of divergent viewpoints and they are all up for election in 2 years so those Republicans in purple districts are going to be cautious. The good news is at least 2 years without stupid impeachments so we have that going for us. Trump will do a lot of things via EO but all that can be reversed by the next Dem President. We need legislation and that is not going to be easy or come quickly because DC is dysfuntional and inefficient.
As for the election, all the talk of this being some kind of permanent realignment forget the last 20 times each party misinterpreted one good election result as some historic shift (remember Obama?). Trump is a unique individual and time will tell whether whoever is the nominee in 2028 can replicate his ability to reach people, especially Hispanics and blacks. And believe me when I say this, Democrats crave power more than anything and are going to try to reach those people and get them back in the fold.
Just a friendly PSA for the men out there. If you see a woman with a shaved head who is sex starved, covered with tattoos and has a nose ring I suggest you cross the street for your own safety. The videos these loons are posting certainly proves we have a mental health crisis in this country. The 4B movement is the reaction of leftist women who have replaced faith in God and marriage with govt to provide them with security. That is a long-term and disturbing trend.
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Time to temper expectations
11/12/2024 9:30:43 AM
I can't wait for the mass firings. That will be a happy day. He seems to be assembling a team to do what he promised. So far I am on board fully with all but Rubio, I am just not sure about him but willing to give him the chance becuase they know him a hellova lot better than I do.
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Time to temper expectations
11/12/2024 10:07:54 PM
Trump announced Musk and Vivek will reduce the size of government. Time to slim it down and cut my taxes. Expect he was honest and didn't lie when he said he would eliminate tax on SS. The tax is used to help pay for part A of Medicare so the money will have to come from those who are working. That's not my problem. He has plans to eliminste the subsidy for Obamacare which will lead to many becoming uninsured. Too bad, but that is what the majority want. He does have a better plan in the concept stage which, hopefully, will be announced before they try to eliminate Obamacare. It's really not my problem.
Reduce my taxes and stop taxing my SS benefit.
Name: |
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Time to temper expectations
11/13/2024 8:48:54 AM
Amen brother! Whether that can get done in the next two years is a real mystery and time will tell. As for Obamadon'tcare, it cannot go away soon enough. I had it for a while and it was ridiculously expensive and had huge deductibles. The cost and quality of health insurance has gotten worse under this totally misnamed act, much like the Inflation Reduction Act which did the opposite of what it was called. What you will see is people dropping it because the cost far outweighs the benefits, especially for young, healthy people. Having said all that, I seriously doubt that Congress, especially the House, will do much more than work around the edges and will not repeal it as they should.