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Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   No one seems happier Trump won than Biden
Date:   11/13/2024 4:09:15 PM

I don't think Dems had any idea what they were unleashing when they threw Biden to the curb. 

We have now learned that the letter released on X was not written by him nor did he release it. 

Then he subverted the planned mini-primary by endorsing Harris thereby forcing the party apparatchik to get on board lest they look even more chaotic, as if that was possible. 

Then he had several very painful gaffes during the election that to say the least were not helpful. 

Then he looked almost jubliant when he made his speech after Trump won. 

Finally, he was downright giddy during his meeting with Trump on the transition.

Hell hath no fury like a Dementia Joe and "Dr." Jill scorned.

Name:   MrHodja - Email Member
Subject:   No one seems happier Trump won than Biden
Date:   11/13/2024 7:22:10 PM

While he has definite aging issues, he still has a functioning brain and I strongly suspect he was very vengeful and deliberate in his actions after being summarily relieved by the party power brokers.  I beileve you are spot on, especially regarding the quick endorsement and even more so with his late-in-the-campaign statements that she was there right by his side when the deciions were made and agreed with them.  Painted her into a corner...especially when she herself said she couldn't think of anything she would do differently.

Name:   MartiniMan - Email Member
Subject:   No one seems happier Trump won than Biden
Date:   11/13/2024 8:31:41 PM

Yeah, the reason she couldn't think of anything she would have done differently is she can't think....period.  Biden really got back at them which is ironic to say the least.

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