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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/12/2025 8:56:42 PM
Not sure if you saw the video of the guy bragging about the gold bars EPA transferred out before the new admin but the jig is up, the money will be returned and people will be fired.
What makes this illustrative of all we have learned about these NGOs is how the game works. EPA shifter $20B, that's a B, to a third party financial institution. The scheme was to dole out that money to 8 NGOs that would then take their rather large cut and dole out the rest to other NGOs and private entities, each taking their cut until whatever is left would go to whatever leftist cause they wanted. No oversight, just spend it as you please.
This is how USAID and probably every govt agency works and how they waste and steal our tax dollars. The more I learn the more I am leaning toward eleiminating every agency but DOD and for now, Interior (keeping a skeleton staff to see off land and then be abolished). We need to tear it down piece by piece and start over.
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/13/2025 9:22:36 AM
Dont threaten me with a good time - I agree 1000%.
Sadly the DOD does also need some audits - we always heard about the price of toliet seats for the military 30 years ago being insane, if they are wasting that on a crapper seat, what else is getting wasted and padding some politicians pocket.
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/13/2025 11:13:49 AM
why would any dept except Treasury or Fed Reserve have access to gold ?
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/13/2025 1:08:24 PM
The term "throwing gold bars off the ship" was from a James O'Keefe sting video of someone from EPA. That was how they described it but it was basically the transfer of $20B to a bank to be held for later disbursement. It's how we found out about this one but I am 100% certain that many other agencies did something similar. All that money needs to be found and clawed back and the people that authorized it should be fired.
And to be sure, the bank did nothing wrong, they just did what the client asked. They need to find out who in EPA authorized this and fire them because it was clearly insubordination. Same goes with the $50M+ in FEMA funds that went to the hotel in NY to house illegals. That money is likewise being clawed back and the insubordinate fool that did it has been fired.
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[Message deleted by author]
2/13/2025 1:08:25 PM (updated 2/13/2025 1:08:31 PM)
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/13/2025 1:13:11 PM
Oh it's coming, but my view from yesterday's hearings is that the real money is in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Based on the testimony of one guy from Lexis/Nexis, they could eliminate $1T in annual fraud by adopting a simple identity confirmation process instead of the stupid self certification process. And a ton of that fraud is going to people outside the U.S. He further stated that in the long run this identity confirmation process could save $2.7T. Not B.....T!!
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/14/2025 2:16:27 AM (updated 2/14/2025 2:34:09 AM)
There is fraud in Medicare which will fall under Oz which needs to be eliminated. It will be real interetsing to see with all the firings, layoffs, and the elimination of fraud, how much the budgets for the various Departments will be reduced when the Departments submit their budget to Congress. Can't argue about tgetting rid of fraud. It will be interesting to check in 3 years to see if new fraud replaced eliminated fraud.
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$20B heist at EPA foiled
2/14/2025 9:19:38 AM
Can't disagree with you. That will be the test. As far as I am concerned you will never eliminate fraud from the govt programs because govt does nothing well except kill people and break things. This is why I favor limited federal govt. I am a believer in subsidiarity and the vast majority of govt should be at the local level where the decisions of govt actually impacts those making the decisions, not to mention they live in the community and have to see fellow citizens every day. In my world the Fedl govt only needs around 9 departments. All the rest can go away.