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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Name: |
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I renew my challenge.
10/29/2014 3:12:35 PM
After seeing yet another case of voting machines changing Republican votes to Democrats today in Maryland, and seeing video of it happening in Illinois I am seriously curious. Can anyone even remember a case of the opisite being reported? The video shows very clearly that it is not a "confused" or elderly person making the allegations. It was taken in the same polling place where it was reported last Friday and supposedly corrected over the weekend. How can we have any trust in the sanctity of the ballot box? I beleive the 2012 election was stolen, but I tend to lean to conspiracy theories because I have become so jaded of late with politics in general. We should do away with electronic voting all together even if we have to go back to counting hanging chads.
Through the years I have seen dozens of cases for voting machines changing to democrat. Someone please find the other. I can't. I also remember the distircts with 110-120% of registered voters that were 100% Obama. A statistcal impossibility, but they all counted. This country is doomed. I can't remember who said it wasn't who cast the votes, but who counts the votes that mattered, but boy were they on the money.
Name: |
Old Diver
Subject: |
Harder To Cheat
10/30/2014 12:24:24 PM
We should outlaw any computer voting. One can never know where those pesky Democratic electrons will do! We also need to audit the optical scanners that count the votes.
A good old paper ballot works. Also the pole watchers should do an audit to see if it is compatiable with the vote count. Enough of this 150% turnout!
As I have quoted before:
"He who votes decides nothing.
He who counts decides all."
Joseph Stalin