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Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   The Only Reason......Philsieeee
Date:   10/25/2016 4:48:18 PM

The only reason the Right is jumping on Archie is they have realized he is a force to be reckoned with. I have to admire Phil, who appears to have issues with life, and can go back to 2009 to research Archie posts. I sense that is therapy prescribed to help overcome difficulties with adjusting to adult life.

Philsiie,  Archie was much younger in 2009 and not as wise as he is today...Kinda like your hero Trumpster and his bus ride...he was younger at the time and now he too is more groping....I assume!!!

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   The Only Reason......Philsieeee
Date:   10/25/2016 5:09:23 PM

Oh sorry -- he told me to go back and look at his posts.  

excuses excuses -- just keep digging just keep digging --- hahahahha

Jumping on Archie cause he is a farce to be recokoned with maybe.  He is a name calling, thug from Georgiastan whose sole ambition in life is to put down anything with a R next to its name while excusing the D's - much like yourself.  


Just keep peddling that crap - 






Name:   Buteye - Email Member
Subject:   The Only Reason......Philsieeee
Date:   10/25/2016 5:11:19 PM

What is it about Phil that makes you think he is having "issues in life"?

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   The Only Reason......Philsieeee
Date:   10/25/2016 5:11:59 PM

Because I disagree with him :)

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   The Only Reason......Philsieeee
Date:   10/25/2016 5:23:35 PM (updated 10/25/2016 5:29:14 PM)


I am awaiting the combined CBS,FOX,MSNBC results before I cast my vote. I also want to see their tax returns and birth certificate before deciding. One can't be too careful...wanna be sure none ever used birth control, had sex before marriage, or had an abortion. Need to make certain they believe in God, Guns, and Anti Gay. They need to be against Obamacare, against China manipulating the currency, and want to bomb Iran so our troops have another job after they pull out of Afghanistan. They must support pushing Grandma in her wheelcare off a cliff to save Medicare for the 1%. 

At this point, I am leaning towards the babes.

Holy cow - didnt have to look far for just 1 homophobic, sexist, birther, anti-religious, anti 2nd, anti-grandma, pro-war, anti-abortion all in one post.  GF  - And here I thought you were such a upstanding person who just hated Trump because of his past - hell you fit right in!!!!!


And you admit that Archie is a Groper as well.  Glad to know that you knew him back then and can excuse him for growing up, unlike everything else you two post which is OMG - Look what he did years ago - we must stone him to death.... LOL



Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Goof-krap-idiot
Date:   10/25/2016 5:33:13 PM

When did you start running interference for the arch-idiot?  Are you worried that da arch-krap is gonna start having head rolls, crossed-eyes, and stupid looks like his idol?  Wann bus ticket?  Free for conservatives, $500 for dimokraps......we gonna party till dawn at arch-idiot's nursing home.......

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   goofieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Date:   10/25/2016 5:38:03 PM

Nope not hanging out at the mental ward with those two regardless of who wins. Free Ticket or not!!!  Hey Goofie - found this pic of you looking for where you head is located.

pping latte's 

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Philsiee... as my hero says.....
Date:   10/25/2016 6:55:26 PM

When they go low...we go high!!!!!

PS That's funny. How are you able to cut n paste that??

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Phil,
Date:   10/25/2016 7:23:10 PM

Please don't tell the goof-idiot how to cut and paste.  He's enough trouble as is!!

Name:   GoneFishin - Email Member
Subject:   Wix
Date:   10/25/2016 7:53:39 PM

Never, ever realized that I really intimidate you that badly. I will try and ease up same as I have with Hodja and Buteye.

Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Goof-butt
Date:   10/25/2016 8:47:58 PM

Please don't ever think you bother or intimidate me!  You got a long way to go to get THERE!

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Philsiee... as my hero says.....
Date:   10/26/2016 9:04:36 AM

OK - 1 assuming your on a PC and not a MAC


1.  Hold down the left mouse button in the area you wish to copy

2. while holding down the mouse button slide the mouse to highlight what you want

3. right click ( this is where those Macs make it a little harder cause they do not have one

4. click copy

5. start you new message 

6. right click inside the little message box where you would normally type 

7. click paste

8. if you want to move it over to show it as a quote or to indicate that maybe it was not your own origional thought process there is alittle button up just to the right of the one where you paste in links ( 5 from the right ) for indention.  

9 if you want to do really good then the one right next too it that looks like a chain.  that is for weblinks - sort of like a works cited page so you can document where it come from and not get called out for plagerism or just making it up.




Name:   wix - Email Member
Subject:   Philsiee... as my hero says.....
Date:   10/26/2016 6:20:35 PM

Since Goof-krap is a known lemming liberal, he is required to use only Apple equipment.....they are not allowed to think for themselves.....Steve Jobs does all the thinking.

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Philsiee... as my hero says.....
Date:   10/27/2016 5:42:54 PM

Might explain a lot since Steve Jobs is no longer is alive.

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