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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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Can we call this
3/29/2011 8:51:18 AM (updated 3/29/2011 8:55:29 AM)
Geez, you know its bad news when the AP accuses the Messiah of being a serial liar.
Does anyone believe we went into Libya for humanitarian reasons? If so, why didn't the administration say so from the outset? And if we are going to use our military for humanitarian purposes, why not in Iran, Sudan or Darfur? I think the answer is that he thought Libya would be "easy". As we saw in this country when you have megalomaniacs like Algore they don't give up their power very easily. We can only thank the good Lord that Al didn't have control of the military when he was deposed.
And assuming the rebels succeed in Libya, are we going back in when they slaughter the pro-regime citizens which is what almost always happens? Or do they deserve it for supporting an evil dictator? In my view we should only use our military force when it is in the national security interests of the U.S. and not as outsourced enforcers of the U.N.
Total cost of Libya to date is $600 million.......
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Can we call this
3/29/2011 1:08:48 PM (updated 3/29/2011 1:10:37 PM)
What ARE we doing there? Anything other than preping the theater for no-fly (if it flies it dies) is a corruption of OUR mission. We should have withdrawn immediately after taking out the Libyan air defense system.
Did the Europeans trick us into ANOTHER war featuring the Islamic culture? We are now teetering on another Arab/Islamic PR nightmare. Next thing you know… we’ll be “nation building” again… and oh, by the way, the Islamic Brotherhood will be in charge of government (pick a nation) with al Qaeda circling in the background like hungry hyenas.
Obama, your Islamic brothers thank you again for serving up the Great Satan on a silver platter.