What is very interesting is the big disparity in NY and NJ from the 2018 flu season. Another telling data point I've seen recently in a table is that the deaths in NY from all other causes have magically dropped dramatically in 2020 from all prior years. Deaths from the ordinary flu are so far below prior years its almost a joke. Combine that data point with the Project Veritas video of funeral directors and it all makes sense. NY and NJ are calling almost all deaths in their states Wuhan virus deaths. They are scamming to try to tap more Federal dollars to bail out their pension funds. And if you look at polling in both states where they actually approve of the job being done by Cuomo and DiBlasio you will understand why they have that kind of governance in both states. It takes a special kind of stupid to put up with what they put up with in NY and NJ.
This goes to the heart of my concern that the cure for the Wuhan virus will be worse than the disease itself. I strongly urge everyone to read this article.