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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
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One more
11/21/2018 8:35:29 AM
Oscar Wilde said of George Bernard Shaw: ''He has no enemies but he is very much disliked by all of his friends.''
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Old Diver
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The Come Back
11/28/2018 11:00:45 AM
Lady Astor and Winston Churchill did not get alonge very well. At one of the parties they attended she said to Clurchill, "Mr Churchill, if you were my husban I would give you poison!"
Churchill replied." Madam, if I were your husban, I would take it!"
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Old Diver
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And One more
11/28/2018 11:06:40 AM
I believe it was Noel Coward who sent Churchill two tickets to an opening play of his. He said, "Here are two tickets. Bring a friend, if you have one."
""Sorry, I cannot attend the first night," he said, but I will attend the second, if there is one!"
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And One more supposedly from Churchill
12/8/2018 11:41:05 PM (updated 12/8/2018 11:43:03 PM)
After his party lost the first post war election in 1945 Churchill came into the men's room at the Houses of Parlaiment and saw the new Labour PM Clement Atlee standing at one end of the long trough urinal. Churchill went to the exact opposite end as far from Atlee as possible to do his duty. Atlee looked toward him and asked ''Feeling a bit stand-offish today Winston?'' to which Churchill replied ''Not at all Clement, just playing it safe. When you see something big you try to nationalize it!''
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And another One more supposedly from Churchill
12/8/2018 11:49:59 PM
Churchill got the word of his surprise defeat while at a big three meeting with Truman and Stalin. Truman was as shocked as Churchill and was at a loss for words. Finally he said ''Well I barely know Mr Atlee, but he does give the impression of being a rather modest gentlemen.'' Churchill replies ''Indeed, Mr Atlee has a lot to be modest about.''
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Old Diver
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Endless Churchill
12/9/2018 1:52:12 PM
When told that Italy had thrown in her lot with Germany he said, "Well, it's only fair. We had them in the last war."
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12/9/2018 9:08:56 PM
When very anti-communist Churchill was asked how he could be so supportive of Soviet communist dictator Stalin after Hitler invaded the USSR he replied ''I hate the devil, but if Hitler invaded hell I would gladly tip my hat to the devil in the House of Commons.''