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Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Logan Martin temp new winter level. 462'
Date:   1/19/2017 10:26:49 AM

If you have plans to clean aorund your docs or maintenance you might want to do it soon if 2 extra feet of water will cause you issues.  we try to pickup debris and broken glass and got some out this past weekend before the rain started and it was firm enough to walk on - +2 foot will be back under the my pier so glad I got it done when i could.


Lake Updates
Lake Conditions Message
Due to ongoing drought conditions, in an effort to help ensure our lakes fill this spring, Alabama Power was granted a temporary winter pool increase of 2’ to elevation 462. We will operate for that level until it normally surpasses elevation 462 in mid-April. This could impact any current or planned work along the shoreline, so take necessary precautions and plan accordingly. Lake elevations are always subject to change, depending on conditions.

Last updated: January 18, 2017, 7:48 am

Name:   Kurt - Email Member
Subject:   Logan Martin temp new winter level. 462'
Date:   1/19/2017 3:10:57 PM

How quickly will it take  for that two foot increase to take place?

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Logan Martin temp new winter level. 462'
Date:   1/20/2017 3:02:52 PM

Didnt say but with the rain were scheduled to get - this weekend to monday?  I guess it depends on if the change is immediate, but I have no idea on timeframe.  

Hopefully if we do get a wetter spring they take that extra two foot into account when the lake has another flash flood like Christmas 2015.

looking at the level it appers to already be up a little but currently dropping, so hopefully planning ahead to the rain over alabama / georgia this weekend, but if you have work planned would do it sooner then waiting till April.

Name:   phil - Email Member
Subject:   Logan Martin temp new winter level. 462'
Date:   1/23/2017 2:59:17 PM

old winter +2 foot as of this morning.  Pier has water again not seen since september.

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