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Name:   arbyus22 - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/12/2013 5:50:05 PM

Is there any place or any way to retrieve "stuff" that floated down river during out recent high water?  Lost a very sentimental wooden glider that was tied to my pier pilings, and would sure be happy to get it back...Husband's favorite place to watch our incredible sunsets; he passed away last summer, and really hate that I can't sit there again and reminisce.  Have never heard if there is a "lost and found" for missing stuff....Thanks.

Name:   Loganmartinnights - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/12/2013 6:38:46 PM

Yesterday I saw a wooden chair float by here. Not sure if it was a glider or not. It was only wide enough to seat one person but looked like it was built well. I will get out and check to see if I can see it downstream along the bank somewhere now that the gates are all closed.

Name:   Loganmartinnights - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/12/2013 7:32:34 PM

I thought the gates were closed but they are still open just a bit. I will keep an eye out for anything that sounds like what you described, down this way. will check closer down by the dam when things settle down with the current a little bit.

Name:   arbyus22 - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/12/2013 9:27:28 PM

Thanks so much for keeping an eye was definitely a two-person, wooden glider.  Appreciate very much any assist; as I said it is more sentimental and old, but somehow a new one just won't seem the same. 

Name:   arbyus22 - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/12/2013 9:28:28 PM

Thank you for keeping an eye out for was definitely made for two (and we aren't small people!).  A new one just won't be the same.

Name:   MovinFr8 - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/15/2013 1:34:49 PM

You may also check with the Pell City Marine patrol or the marine police..... I know they have fished a lot of debris out of the lake in the past week.

Name:   arbyus22 - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/15/2013 2:43:11 PM

Thanks.  I'll try them.  Appreciate the assist.

Name:   John boy - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/15/2013 11:30:55 PM

Is there any way that a "Lost and Found" forum could be added to our list of topics.This would help after our floods and would help inform people on the lake of things that come up missing possibly in their area so they could watch out for possible thevies.

Name:   Old Diver - Email Member
Subject:   "Stuff" retrieval?
Date:   5/18/2013 9:09:50 AM

   While everyone is looking, the plastic chairs floated off Pirate Island. I had reinforced the back if them with plywood. If anyone finds them please let us know.
   It is also a good idea to put one's name and phone number on anything left near the lake. I have found several paddle boats with no I D on them. Otherwise, how can you return them?

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