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Garden squash
5/21/2017 5:50:17 PM
We got the garden in early and were amazed that 3 days in we had blooms on the squash plants. Today we ate the first squash fresh from the garden. I don't remember ever eating garden squash before Memorial day. Now the challenge is keeping the dang grub that invades the stalk every year. I broke down and bought some poison this year to keep them sprayed. I have tried to keep chemicals out of the equation till now but am tired of the grub killing my squash way to early every year. Does anybody have any natural/organics solutions for the prolific squash eating grub?
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Garden squash
5/22/2017 6:35:11 PM
Check this site.
My expert asked if you know the type of grub? Is it a white grub?
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I'm ashamed of you
5/22/2017 7:01:21 PM
Leave it ot you to make this into a race issue. I e never even seen them. They burrow into the stalk and kill the plant about kids Eason. Even if I did see them I wouldn't judge them by their color but the content of their character.
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I'm ashamed of you
5/22/2017 8:50:39 PM
Here is what I was asked by the expert: "What kind of grubs? Know thine enemy!"
I found this and asked: "Feeding on young roots by soil insects such as whitefringed beetle grubs, white grubs (larvae of May beetles), wireworms and larvae of cucumber beetles reduces nutrient and water uptake causing plants to wilt and die."
Maybe, I just need to say f... the grubs and mind my own business.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 12:40:40 PM
Now children. Play nice. Home remedy that I have heard of is placing a jar lid of beer next to each plant. Also place a cut plastic milk jug around the base at planting. My wife just sprinkles 5& percent Arvin at base of plant and on any stems touching the ground. Once the grubs get started not much you cando.
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Typical liberal
5/23/2017 1:17:31 PM
No sense of humor.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 1:27:49 PM
I put a pre-eminent down before planting and it recommends treating by spraying monthly. I kinda hate to use chemicals once they are bearing fruit, and bearing they most certainly are. More squash than we have ever had. I may start a vegetable stand on the pier this year. This year we only planted squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes at the lake but at the farm have okra, beans, three kinds of peas, more squash, two fields of corn, and over 80 tomatoes plants. And a separate pea patch for the deer in the hopes of keeping them out of the main garden.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 7:51:11 PM
We will be a customer of the ' lifer' produce stand.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 8:03:39 PM
I am sure we could talk with Herb and get him to add it as a side business to The Landing!
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 9:02:58 PM
Thanks for the offer but the Landing is way to far from me. I'm sure I will make it over for lunch at least once but I was only kidding about opening a vegetable stand.. Between family, moochelle, and canning/freezing there probably won't be a huge surplus. When I first moved to the lake there was an old black man that had a garden close to the mouth of the creek. You could pull up and get about anything you wanted. If he didn't have it picked he would go up the hill and deliver what you wanted to your boat. I'm sure if Herb added a fresh vegetable stand it would do a booming business.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 9:52:08 PM (updated 5/23/2017 9:53:20 PM)
Maybe we could sell from here:
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 10:11:28 PM
Hey LG, what all is in there? Looks fabulous.
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Garden squash
5/23/2017 10:19:59 PM
Thanks. Got corn, squash, peppers, tomatoes, okra, beans on arbor way in back. And I wound up with some butternut squash that I bought as Straight Neck Yellow
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Garden squash
5/24/2017 3:35:23 PM
Is all that planted in pots? Amazing