Summer Place posted the following tonight as the 31st post to the subject "Wake Boats" that began from "Pontoonfisher, Subject: South end of the lake, 7/30/2018, 10:32::34 AM", "Wakeboard boats should be limited to areas where there are no residences. Not only has it gotten to the point of damage to shoreline and property but could cause injury to young swimmers getting tossed into docks or boats". This post is a bit redundant to a post I made (Subject: 2EZ Ports, missing/stolen,8/5/2018 11:06:15 PM") My post was in response to a post made by Moldoldy. Hopefully you will read and offer comments. I am concerned that many(particularly owners of wake boats) are going to think I am being overly critical, but with respect to "ownership" of anything there comes a certain amount of "responsibility". Regardless of how any of you may be affected by the waves from "wake boats", I ask you to please read the 31 responces rederenced above. At least read the post by MartiniMan who if I am not mistaken has a wake boat but uses it in areas that do not subject others to the wake from his boat. The post by F1Fan on 7/31/2018 12:26:34 PM is a "must" read. Also, the post by Moldyoldy whose neighbor had a jet ski that was tied on a 2 X 4 bunk lift and the wake threw the jet ski in the air, broke the bunk, broke the tie down rope, setting it adrift. Seriously, I see a need for addressing the subject of wake boats with a view on "safety" for everyone on the lake.