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Name:   MartiniMan The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Your cut and paste has it all wrong
Date:   11/24/2024 8:14:51 AM

Once again Goofy you fell for the fake news of some leftist site that obviously doesn't get what is happening.  These people don't represent an ideological transformation of the Republican party, they represent the results of the ideological transformation of the Democrat party.  

Those four examples are proof of the maxim from the great Ronoldus Maximus Reagan who stated he didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left him.  Democrats have become the party of abortion, child mutilation, anti-semitism, anti-Christian, transgender madness, socialism/neo-marxism, intersectionality, rampant illegal immigration, weaponization of government against political enemies, high taxes, expensive and unreliable energy, massive growth of govt jobs at the expense of private sector jobs, massive govt spending driving inflation, etc.  In essence, they have devolved to the point where the fringe in their party is now the overwhelming base and it is driving sane Democrats and independents to the GOP where we actually have divergent views on lots of issues.

What these four, and millions of others on November 5th understand is that the Democrat party is no longer the party of the common man just trying to go about their business, earn a living, raise a family...ya know, normal stuff.  It has become the party of coastal leftist elites that never suffer the consequences of their ideology, crazy, unmarried white liberal women cutting their hair and screaming into their phones, mentally deranged trans activists idealizing killing heterosexual white men and women, neo-cons like Liz Cheney wanting WW3, leftist in academia indoctrinating instead of educating children, illegal alien gang members (the ones that many illegals came here to get away from), Soros bought and paid for DA's releasing criminals back onto the streets while wasting resources and money prosecuting Grandma for walking around the Capital on J6 and political enemies of the Harris-Biden regime.

Consider this a PSA Goofy and hopefully you will not make the mistake of the govt media complex and far too many Dem politicians who have learned nothing from this election and will keep losing, especially after the 2030 census when blue states lose 12 electoral college votes and congressional seats to red states.  That is my TED talk.

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Bold Pick - GoneFishin - 11/23/2024 7:08:55 AM
     Bold Picks - GoneFishin - 11/23/2024 7:07:04 PM
          Your cut and paste has it all wrong - MartiniMan - 11/24/2024 8:14:51 AM

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