10/5/2017 5:03:42 PM (updated 10/5/2017 5:54:12 PM)
oh so now you want to go from registration of a car to registering a gun to a drivers license - got it your first argument didnt hold water and now you want to keep it up.
So why not a universal gun registration which is where that logic will go so that the government knows where every gun should be located.
OK how about we allow you to have a test every year that you have to pay for lets just say $50 per year to allow you to speak in public or post on a public website. Why not its a constitutional right and if we can do it for the 2nd why not the 1st?
Liberals claim that we should not need to produce ID to vote, but damn sure have to have it get a gun from grandpa. You D logic is amazing.
Driving a car is not a right under the constitution / bill of rights. Your ignorance is showing.
"Background checks are only required if you purchase a gun through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL), which includes retailers (anyone from Walmart to mom and pop shops) and some individuals. You do not need to undergo a background check if you buy a gun online, through a gun show, or through some private sales." " - GFY
So anyone can sell a gun at a gun show without a background check - Bull droppings. Every time I have been to a gun show there are computers and people on cell phones calling in background checks -- its the PRIVATE SALES that do not have to on a normal day that do not call in a background check at gun shows.
I would be fine if the legislative a$$hats stopped at check to see if someone should not get a gun and do a background check, the next step just like your car is to register it. I am fine with give me a phone number I can call to see if someone buying a gun should have it or not, but when you require a registry what is in my home so you can decide at some future time that I should not be allowed to own this model or that - one big fat nope.
Another reason to not allow a government or anyone for that matter to have more information on you then necessary:
woops add 2.5 million more to make that 145 million +/-
yup nothing can go wrong, we are the government and we are here to help ......