Kent State
6/28/2009 11:41:35 AM
Swimmer, -Sorry to upset you. -I never said Kent State was murder. I was only commenting on above posts that indicated that US troops wouldn't use force, especially deadly force, on US.citizens. Kent State shows they would. -I am very much aware of what went on at Kent State before the shooting. Nothing that went on "justified" that shooting, ...but some of those things went a long way to explain "why" the shootings occured. -In my above post, I said I was responsible for training a riot control company of regular Army troops for use in control of anti-Vietnam war demonstrations. We used the after-action reports from Kent State in trainnig our troops. In our trainnig we stresssed our troops in many of the same ways the Kent State troops were stresseD. In one instance during an exercise, we had one of our troops bayonet another of our troops who was acting as an anti-war demonstrater (yes, some scenarios called for unsheathed bayonets). Under stress, stuff happens. -And that's the point. Whether it's demonstrations in Tehran, Tinneman Square, or Boston Commons, when demonstrations start, no one knows how they will end. -If American citizens take arms against the American government, someone is going to get hurt. That's what taking up arms means, --the intent to use them. A show of force only works, if the person who sees that show of force believes that if the "show" doesn't work, then the "application" will follow. The kids at Kent State didn't realize that. I would expect that the soldiers at Kent State didn't realize it either. -I'm truely sorry your friends have to live with this memory.