It Gets More Sickening Every Day
9/13/2021 11:03:04 AM
First, it would take four 757-200 aircraft at maximum take off weight to come close to a million pounds.
Next, there were only 64 people on that aircraft.
Also, aluminum has a much lower melting and boiling point than steel so it is plausible that no or almost no aluminum that was in that inferno could be recognized. Same applies to physical items within that aluminum skin.
Not sure which laws of physics you cite as proof there was no airplane. An explanation, if you have one, might shed some light.
Can you provide a photo of "Rumsfield and three other guys loading up the global hawk jet rotor into a pickup truck."?
Here are a few pieces of photographic evidence from the Pentagon crash site that serve to debunk your cospiracy theory
debris1_wheel.jpg (550×360) (isgp-studies.com)
000_N59IP-1024x800.jpg (1024×800) (punchng.com)
3EC8CF4400000578-0-image-a-8_1490898572039.jpg (962×638) (dailymail.co.uk)
WTCHn.jpg (600×398) (imgur.com)
pentagon-engine5.jpg (550×400) (aerospaceweb.org)
And, BTW, if you indeed understand physics, studied the way the two WTC towers were constructed, and watched the various videos that were taken live at the time of the towers falling, you just might understand that the rest of the world is right and your conspiracy theoris have no basis in fact.
Finally, to use your words, why is something so obvious to most of us so oblivious to you?