and then there are Ran Paul and Lee!
1/10/2020 12:42:30 PM
Suffice to say that the intelligence community is multinational.
I hope Americans, in general, know the truth. But when I'm on social media and see what people post, it really makes me wonder. I have a wide community of animal lovers and artsy people as well as former coworkers and other conservatives. When those worlds collide, the hatred and nastiness and flat out denial to see any kind of truth is a bit disconcerting. One fellow animal lover whom I have known for years and I had to part company on social media, because her hatred and disgust for Trump and anyone who supported him could no longer be overlooked. A friend from High School was so condesending and insulting, I had to let her go to. The depth of the hatred and distrust, cannot be overstated. And that isn't even discussing gun rights....
When we get to the point where not all of us believe that taking out a target of opportunity, who happens to be an international terrorist is in question, I fear for our country.
BTW, don't know if you caught Pompaeo and Menuchin's press conference today to announce sanctions on Iran. They basically said that Congressional members who want to see the intelligence, can, in fact see it. The biggest question seems to be the word "immenient" Anyhow, I thought they were forthcoming, but to hear the news people's analysis after the fact was disturbing.