Archie, again trying to point
3/24/2020 9:38:14 AM
swine flu of ‘09-’10, Remember 60 million infected, 330,000 hospitalized, and 14,000 dead (151k - 575 k dead worldwide) AND IT WAS FIRST IDENTIFIED IN THE US AND SPREAD WORLDWIDE.
Who was VP during this pandemic? Did you and the MSM blame your guys then Archie? Why did it have to become a global pandemic so quickly? Was this Dem administration too slow to close borders, limit travel, quarantine? Why was there unpreparedness? How long did it take for the CDC to offer a vaccine? Why were our stockpiles of PPE and respiratory equipment insufficient? At least the specific strain of the H1N1 virus was sensitive to Tamiflu in younger patients and it still spread around the globe. No such antiviral sensitivity exists with COVID 19. A virus the likes of which the world has never experienced and you find fault with one individual and his team's response?
I wish your party and the MSM offered proactive solutions rather than day after day, devising old, stale, blame Trump talking points. When we get to the other side of this, and we will, history will show that this administrations response was exemplary and with a few corrections, will be the standard for governmental behaviour during future pandemics. And rightly show that the Dem party (your party) sat on the sidelines and watched the adults get after it, offering commentary along the way that served no patient purpose.