12/25/2014 12:53:59 AM (updated 12/25/2014 1:02:12 AM)
I address this to you because I know MM man has sworn me off because he hates to see the truth
Well here is the truth:
Since WW II the number Americans employed has risen from 42 million to 140 million (up 98 million).
Since WW II a Republican sat in the White House for 36 years and a Democrat for 34.
During those 36 Republcan years the number of working Americans went up 35 million, just under 1,000,000 / year
During those 34 Democratic years the number of working Americans went up 63 million, about 1,850,000 / year
The percentage increase is even more impressive under the Democrats.
Also, remember during a majority of the last 70 years the Democrats have controlled both houses of congress.
Now these are the FACTS. Since MM is ignoring me perhaps one of his sheep, uh excuse me, followers, can explain how he gets away with his never ending trumpeting of the LIE that economics is ALWAYS better under the Rethuglicans.