Quail Creek Reservoir Topics: MAKE PONTOON BOATS ILLEGAL
(Quail Creek Reservoir Specific)
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(Quail Creek Reservoir Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
9/4/2011 9:25:55 PM (updated 9/4/2011 9:29:14 PM)
What he really wanted to type..... Just kidding of course....
1. 99% of people riding the lake with illegal docking lights ride pontoons. (Go- fast boats don't have docking lites cause they on the trailer at dark) 2. they are always over crowded with cheapass boaters wanting to get a crap load of people on the lake with out buying gas. (money spent on other things) 3. 100% of the boaters trying to live the "Haitian Dream" are on pontoons. (I have no idea what I am talking about) 4. They are often piloted by first time boat owners who see them as the all around boat. (Except that 105mph. Toon at LOTO, and EM of course) 5. Drunks open the gates on pontoons and Tee Tee. (Madi reads this)pISS IS A BAD WORD. 6. They are always getting in the way of PWC boats. 7. Guys with fat wives with hemorrhoids buy them because the wives bitch if the boat bounces. (NO, pontoon boats come with grills, people cook, eat and weight gain is a byproduct of such activities). E.M. has a BGE on his Toon. 8. They don't look sexy enough to make the girls come OUT of bikinis. 9. Jackasses tube other rednecks behind them in main channels. 10. They are generally ugly, like the people who buy them. (I know some Pontoon owners, and they have pretty wives, but, Then again, they may have nice DOCKS.)
Jus' sayin' CAT. LMAO.