Rude fishermen
3/9/2011 5:23:15 PM
I do find it amusing when someone complains about a situation that they put themselves in. There were fishermen on the water 20 years ago when you bought the house. Maybe not as many as today but nevertheless, they were there. Either you didn't care then when a fisherman fished your dock or didn't think about that when you closed on the property. I also live on the lake and have my share of boat traffic in front of my house. I believe there is a little stretch of the truth when you say they ALL sound like Harleys. Also when you say EVERY morning at 5:30am. Maybe new windows would solve that as I can hardly hear a boat when it takes off from in front of my house.
Buyer Beware! You buy a house on the lake in anywhere USA, you put up with all the inconsiderate people on the water. The ones who fly by the shoreline close enough to spit on, the ones on waverunners that come close while fishing, the ones who litter the lake, the waverunners, all the boats making noise, and all the other crap that goes with it. Lake life is not for everyone.
Alot of things have changed in 20 years. Traffic on 280 is worst, cost of living, gas prices, college tuition, road rage, etc. Complaining will not solve it. I can find many things to complain about. Being fortunate enough to live on the the lake and putting up with rude fishermen is not one of them. I've had my share of rude fishermen. Hooks in the upholstery and bimini of my boat, etc. I take it with a grain of salt. Like getting a stone chip in my windshield. Not a damn thing I can do about it. Well I could. Quit driving, move off the lake, etc. Kinda like people who build in a known flood zone (which I'll never understand) and complaining when it floods. Or someone who buys a house near an airport, then complaining. Or buying a house you can't afford, but buy it anyway. The list goes on and on and on.