Trump won
8/2/2021 7:08:37 PM
I am becoming more and more inclined to encourage Hidey and the Ho to remain in office as their administration is a complete CF. You must be careful what you wish for, in the case of the Dems they were so hellbent on removing Trump at whatever cost that they nominated a senile, lifelong Washingtonian bureaucrat who can't string two intelligible sentences together, who then chose an unaccomplished, consistently over her head, egomaniac for VP. The American voter is not dumb (or so I thought) as 3$ per gallon gas when we can easily control energy prices by being independent of the Middle East, an inflation rate and Fed inflation indices that have not been this high since 1991, border mass negligence with uncontrolled COVID monitoring, astronomical crime rates (see Piedmont Park) and more masks are easily noted. This despite what the MSM tells you. I foresee this administration setting back the Dem party a couple of election cycles at their current rate of ineptitude.