Riot in Charlottesville...8/13/2017...3:56:15 pm
8/22/2017 8:54:55 AM (updated 8/22/2017 9:10:32 AM)
So 100% of the people there on the right were 100% there for white nationalism/KKK/Nazi - not one person was there for a protest about the statue/confederacy or any other reason. I am so glad you have the telescope from GA into the hearts and minds of so many people. Can you please enlighten us the motives of the BLM / AntiFA/Governer/Mayor? I am sure they were just little innocents standing around doing nothing wrong what so ever.
Do not put words in my mouth that Nazi's are good people - but by your claim 100% of everyone there was a Nazi - you are a racist as your previous posts have shown. Your lack of condemnation of the BLM or AntiFA at Charlottsville is still lacking - we are waiting for you to condem them right now, for their most recent actions... still waiting... still waiting...
Tthere is no video of the Mayor of Governer doing anything - that is the problem, they should have called the PD and told them *not* to stand down and that any violence by anyone, broken laws, riots, - anything but a peaceful protest on all sides - someone was going to jail. We see what the results of that was.
You are a idiot, and your posts shows the typical leftist liberal opnion and degree of incivility we witnessed at most BLM riots and Charlottsville.
Thank God this website does appear to be more aligned with the electorate or Shillary would have been president and then it would not matter because we would have already had to checked our privilage, removed all satues to white men, erecting only new ones to someone who can follow the law (without intent to hide from FOIA or remove classified informatoin from secure systems ) and started reparations as a 100% white tax.