Robert Gates on Trump
9/18/2016 11:43:32 AM
I guess you never considered he was put in those positions because he is a lightweight? He was much more pliable than say Rumsfedlt and Wolfowitz. And you recall when he was CIA Director during the time that the Neocons decided that they didn't like the intelligence his agency was providing and sought to have their own, headed up by a former colleague of mine.
Anyway, I would suggest that you read the Gates biography. Anyone that whines that much is a lightweight. And don't forget under B. Clinton, we had the poetry writing William Cohen as the SecDef.
There is one person in Washington whose opinion I would trust. His name is Gordon England and he was DepSEcDef, under Rummy. Probably one of the most intelligent, most grounded people in the Washington background. Man has a ton of common sense. I believe he turned down the opportunity to be SECDEF, before they brought in Gates, but he also served under Gates for a while to aid in the transition. It wouldn't surprise me if he did not like Trump, because their styles are so different.