Hound, I Am Curious
3/13/2016 12:40:17 PM
In my mind, Cruz is a prime example of a Tea Partier that has taken it to extreme.
On the morning talk shows, Kasich seemed very positive and hopeful. I agree that he does seem logical and rationale and has refused to get down in the mud slinging. I think he could get stuff done with Congress, which would be a nice change.
I have to say that I normally don't by into the Liberal Media bias - but today it was pretty blatant on Face the Nation - the commentator made it pretty clear that he doesn't like Trump, even while he was interviewing him. Same on Meet the Press, but I expect it there. I find myself longing for the days of Walter Cronkite and Tim Russert, and Bob Sheiver. And interestingly enough, the entire show of CBS Sunday Morning was about guns, and I saw a distinct bias for gun control. I normally enjoy that program for it's diverse topics and interviews.