And you use it to attack poor little Ole me. I am so honored that I could move you to take action. I must be doing something right. My life is quite happy thank you very much. I don't troll any forums. I do stir the puddin on this one though. It's fun and hurts no one. Might I suggest in the future you add something to the conversation though instead of just bashing me. There are a lot of good folks who follow the forum. Many of them enjoy my puddin stirring but others like you think I am deplorable and should be banned and some even think I should be executed. You aren't even the first to join and use your first post to make a snide remark abiut me, just the latest. I will try to live down to your expectations. It's kinda cool today so I o ly have one small chore and will keep posting just for you enjoyment.
Welcome to the forum. I will email you details about my fan club membership. :-)