12/8/2014 9:40:17 AM
My theory is that the people doing the looting and burning are just using Michael Brown (or Garner, NYC) as an excuse. They are thugs and criminals who do this under the "cover" of protest... but they are not part of the protest. They'd be more than happy to live in the world of lawless "taking what you want". Notice, none of them have businesses or anything worth taking, so they have no concerns about taking that which someone else has worked hard for. They have no idea what it would be like to destroy something they they had built, because most of them have ever even had a job, much less built a business.
As much as I dislike Al Sharpton and think he should not be given a public platform or legitimized in any way, I doubt even he is enouraging the violence. Because his agenda is a personal one and he doesn't give a damn about the vicitims or even the violators in these situations.