Simple answer
9/14/2021 5:40:16 PM
I answered your question completely. I never said this virus was the same as the seasonal flu....I stated that for someone my age and physical condition the IFR is around 0.3% which is the same as the seasonal flu. This particular virus is very transmissive and also more deadly for those over age 70-75 and with two or more co-morbidities than the seasonal flu although less dangerous for those under age 25 than the seasonal flu. Those are the facts Jack so deal with it. That is why I have long advocated for those at most risk to take a chance on the rMNA gene therapies. The risk-reward makes it worth it. For everyone else it may be a different equation.
I suppose you probably agree with Kamala that we need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, right? Do you realize just how stupid that statement is.....assuming the gene therapies work. Oh wait, now they have changed the definition of a vaccine to fit these therapies but words have meaning and I refuse to call them vaccines. The reality is that they are now being called treatment regimes and not vaccines.....which is fine because that's what they are. But based on my research there are a number of effective treatment regimes that I would prefer to one that has not been tested for long-term effects. Your mileage may vary but for me I'll stick with treatments that I know are safe and won't cause antibody dependent enhancement and the development of variants. You do whatever you think is best for you and I will do likewise for me. I've got my prescription for Ivermectin, Z-pac and prednisone. I take a number of supplements like zinc, quereciten, vitamin D and vitamin C and so far, knock on wood I have not gotten the virus. But if I do I am ready with my doctor prescribed treatments that I will apply within 5 days of onset symptoms.