Off-Topic: $20B heist at EPA foiled
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Name:   MartiniMan The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   $20B heist at EPA foiled
Date:   2/12/2025 8:56:42 PM

Not sure if you saw the video of the guy bragging about the gold bars EPA transferred out before the new admin but the jig is up, the money will be returned and people will be fired.  

What makes this illustrative of all we have learned about these NGOs is how the game works.  EPA shifter $20B, that's a B, to a third party financial institution.  The scheme was to dole out that money to 8 NGOs that would then take their rather large cut and dole out the rest to other NGOs and private entities, each taking their cut until whatever is left would go to whatever leftist cause they wanted.  No oversight, just spend it as you please.

This is how USAID and probably every govt agency works and how they waste and steal our tax dollars.  The more I learn the more I am leaning toward eleiminating every agency but DOD and for now, Interior (keeping a skeleton staff to see off land and then be abolished).  We need to tear it down piece by piece and start over.

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$20B heist at EPA foiled - MartiniMan - 2/12/2025 8:56:42 PM
     $20B heist at EPA foiled - phil - 2/13/2025 9:22:36 AM
          $20B heist at EPA foiled - MartiniMan - 2/13/2025 1:13:11 PM
     $20B heist at EPA foiled - lucky67 - 2/13/2025 11:13:49 AM
          $20B heist at EPA foiled - MartiniMan - 2/13/2025 1:08:24 PM
          [Message deleted by author] - MartiniMan - 2/13/2025 1:08:25 PM
               $20B heist at EPA foiled - GoneFishin - 2/14/2025 2:16:27 AM
                    $20B heist at EPA foiled - MartiniMan - 2/14/2025 9:19:38 AM

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