Casey Judgemental????
5/15/2018 8:53:35 AM
Yup he has TDS bad, possibly worse then GFY. I find it very telling that he is either elevating himself up to the level of POTUS, or dragging down POTUS to his lake level - because I am pretty sure that you worrying about your lot on the lake is not the same as fixing the US economy, N Korea, Iran and dealing with pu$$yHats likeyourself.
He needed to stay away for the sake of the hospital and patients. It shows its not about him or his wife and sometimes choices must be made for others and not themselves.
You mention Obama - he would have been all up in there with his selfie stick because it was all about him.
Clinton - He would have been all up in some nurses skirt.
As for regular Joe Blow American Deplorable, I have been there when I needed to be, and I have went to work when I had to so that bills got paid and insurance was up to date, and I am pretty sure got less information from the hospital the POTUS did.
I know good people who missed the birth of their children because of their jobs and that they could not get time off. A friend of the family has had a child in the hospital for months for unknown reasons and he almost passed several times, often while she was at work. I dare your dumb a$$ to say she that she was less then someone else because she was not at his bedside in a condition much more grave then FLOTUS.