Whether you oppose reduction in Entitlement spending depends on whose Ox is getting gored, doesn't it? No one has been recently talking about the amount of money it costs to fund federal retiree benefits.... but we could just as easily focus on these huge expenses on the backs of US taxpayers, no?
You paid into the Federal retirement plan just like many people contributed to Social Security and Medicare over their working lives. In return, you are entitled to those benefits for life.
That's why we call them Entitlement Programs. During your lifetime, you will definitely recieve an amount far exceeding your contributions and your benefits will not cease once you exceed those contributions. After that, it's up to the taxpayers to keep it coming for you. Same for social security and Medicare. All entitlement spending. If we had just set up your retirement and health insurance program like a Health Savings account... then we'd kick you to the curb when your account was depleted.
Suppose the conservative tide turned and federal retiree benefits became regarded as overly generous...... Would you still favor all these program reductions so we can get a tax break to the upper 1%?