GoneFishin, I have one other thought about your request for suggestions. While my thoughts may not apply directly to the subject at hand, I will try to make a point about bringing matters to the forefront that in turn affect all of the people. Using the decision to land a man on the Moon as an example, I will try to make my point. I don't claim to be knowledgeable about any of the research and planning that had to have taken place for that amazing event, but I would think that the powers involved sought the advice from the "absolute" best sources of knowledge in the field. As we all know, that endeavor led to success beyond what most of us would have deemed impossible. While I don't think any of us are that familiar with the decisions necessary to undertake such an awesome project. I think we would all agree that that you don't seek the services of experts to come forward and use lies and deception to gain approval for a project of this magnitude. I can't imagine what the consequences would have been if this undertaking had failed. When any President or any other elected official "willingly and knowingly" uses such measures to mislead the people who have chosen him or her to represent their best interests, they have proven themselves "unfit" to hold public office.