11/1/2016 4:30:23 PM
Pihl ? not sure if that is supposed to be my name or some sound you made choking on your pudding.
You need to separate the truth from your fiction.
My Fiction? I believe my fiction is 99% articles written by others., many from CNN, CBS, NBC, prada, again I like to read a lot of different information and make up my own mind versus just letting someone on Hillary's payroll tell me what to think. I assume you have seen the wikileaks lists of unbiased media that are flowing money into Hillary's campaign? Talk about truth from fiction.
The 3 Stooges have posted that Hillary is flawed.
yup - someone once said she was flawed, had issues. No links to support why she was flawed or what she has done that is wrong. But you feel free to vote how you want, just as I will. The difference is I will hold my nose while voting for Trump, while you bellow loud and clear BILLARY!!!!!!!.
Too bad, the Kool Aid crew can't be truthful and admit that the groping kid is flawed too.
yup he is flawed - he has his own issues, moral, ethical, legal - etc. but you have to draw a line somewhere. I draw my line based on the lesser of evil, you draw your line based on either DNC or BILLARY!!!!!! I am not sure which of you two said it best... I think it was Arch since he left the republican party once where you probably never were - left the party of values for the party of no values.
While the republicans have people who love to hold themselves up as pillars of virtue in public, at least they sometimes ACT like it, even if most of them are probably just as bad if not worse the Hillary.
now I have seen a whole lot on here where one of the "3 stooges" has posted lots of things damning Trump, from his Trump U all the way down to groping - which the Clintons have done pretty much all the same and taken it to a whole new level. Trump commissioned a painting, Clinton got 16 Million, Trump "bragged" about groping, Clinton did, Trump had some women come foward - again Bill for as far back as my memory will allow back to little rock.
So far no one has come forward with Trump semen stains. Oh but that is just sex, she was willing, blah blah blah. He had sex with a young intern who was willing and probably persued him - well the one on the airplane has possibly been debunked into the same catagory, assuming it was not all setup by the Hillary campaign.
I learned long ago that people will LIE just like Harry Reid in late October to mess with the election - some will do ANYTHING to get elected or to get who they want elected. I believe that Hillary will, based on her track record of 30 years, do damn near, scratch that ABSOLUTLY anything to put money and power in her own pocket and that of the Clinton Foundation.
We love to hear about that lovely ditch that Obama got us out of - well personally i think the ditch was stopping the bus from going over the cliff - unfornuatly instead of pulling the bus back on the road so we can keep going, he pushed it through the ditch and we are hanging off the cliff. This is not because of any birth certificate or the color of his skin but his policies, many of which Hillary is planning to lash the driver to the wheel and step on the gas to rocket us over the edge.
Now please get back to your POLL watching and report everyone in a red shirt as evil to your masters.