Today's history lesson
7/29/2016 5:08:42 PM
No, the stats described the deficit as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product, a valid and much better way to describe this astronomical number in relative terms. We've made significant progress since the last GOP left office leaving Obama to rescue the banking system and large sectors of the US economy.
No, the Affordable Care Act has not penalized 97% of American workers... it has allowed some 15 million of us to get (and keep) health insurance. Sorry about what happened to your friend, but one case doesn't prove anything. Having worked with people's health insurance all my career, most of the bad stories I heard were the result of bad policies sold to them by insurance companies... policies whose fine print they did not understand. Bearing in mind that the ACA is still a marketplace where consumers are expected to make choices, and not the single payer system I had hoped for.... it's entirely possible that the choices he made contributed to the expenses he incurred.
You should refer to the experiences of the NYC first responders after 9/11 for information on HRC's accomplishments in the Senate. Without her efforts, many of them would have suffered uninsured medical conditions related to the health hazards at ground zero. It may not have meant much to anyone around here, but it was pretty important to them.
And everytime there was a mass shooting during Obama's administration, he attempted to persuade congress & the conservative gun lobby that we needed to do something about assault weapons on the streets... a position echoed by many of the Police Chiefs in this country, I might add. Conservatives opposed and won that fight each time. And I don't know how many rounds of golf he played, nor should anyone care. That's as irrelevent as talking about what he ate for breakfast. Mass shootings weren't Obama's fault, anymore than they were yours.
You are certainly right, we don't need to elect a do-nothing President. But I'd have to say that if congress hadn't been stacked with people who are more concerned with defeating a Black President than running a country, congressmen who seem to believe that dinosaurs and men walked together in a world that is only 6000 years old... then we wouldn't have the grid lock that has hampered Obama. Who, by the way, hasn't used executive orders any more than any president before him.... Republican or Democrat.