the reason I don't despise Trump is that I think it is human to change positions on things. Maybe he gets more information, maybe he spends more time thinking abou tit. I have been known to do that. With guns for example. At one point I was on board with the anti-gun people, but then I read more and I thought about it more and now I support people having legal guns.
And on the economy? One time I supported the theory of trickle down economics, and then I read (quite a lot, actually) and realize that I could not answer some basic questions about how this is really a good thing.
Maybe Donald is like a lot of people and sometimes we could argue both sides of an issue. Maybe like me, he lives in his head and is constantly turning things over in his mind. Maybe it isn't just a whim, but he is really trying to grasp the issue and the more input he gets the more he thinks about an issue.
The only thing I have never changed my position on is a woman's right to choose.