Who to believe...SLOTUS or the Mullahs
4/6/2015 12:46:48 PM
Hound, you are a little off the topic here. The question is whether you believe what the leaders of Iran are saying about the agreement (which is that it will allow them to develop nuclear weapons) or Obama. But in response to your point.....
I agree that their decision will have nothing to do with Obama. But if he does a deal with them that allows them to legally have nukes at the end of the 10-year period then he does have culpability does he not if they use them against Israel which they have often and consistently stated they will? While the details are still being kept secret (hence the difference of opinion between Obama and Iran on the details) enough has been leaked to lead one to believe that this is the case. As an example, if you have someone that has told you repeatedly that when they get a gun they are going to shoot their neighbor and you facilitate them getting a gun you indeed have culpability when they go and shoot their neighbor.
If however, he remains firm in preventing them from getting nukes, asks for and gets crushing sanctions if they continue to pursue their nuclear program and assuming they continue to violate non-proliferation agreements he agrees to whatever additional action the international community takes then he can clearly state that he did all he could short of war to prevent it from happening. Chamberlin made this mistake and Obama is doing it again. There is a reason the details of this agreement are being kept secret, even from Congress.