Off-Topic: Massachusetts Health Care - a Train Wreck
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Massachusetts Health Care - a Train Wreck
4/9/2010 2:09:04 PM
In probably the biggest black eye for Mitt Romney, MassCare, a prelude to Obamacare, is falling to pieces.
Guess where health care costs are highest? Massachusetts. Guess where the non-profit insurance companies are requesting rate increases from 8% to 35%? Massachusetts.
Guess where the Governor and Attorney General have refused their request for a rate increase, expressed shock that the actual cost of health care was rising much faster than in the rest of the country and is now attempting to order non-profit insurance companies to sell insurance at a loss? Massachusetts.
Guess where there is a huge problem of people buying health insurance when they have a medical condition and then dropping it when they get better (also known as adverse selection)? Massachusetts.
What is even worse is this is exactly what Obama is expecting and wants. You see, the difference between Massachusetts and the Federal government is that when they drive all the insurance companies out of business with price controls they will simply replace them with a single-payer system making every single citizen of the country beholden to the government for such an important and personal aspect of their lives, health care.
This is why a majority of Americans opposed Obamacare before it was passed. This is why Dems are going to pay a heavy price in November and again in 2012. This is why Obamacare must be repealed and replaced with sensible reforms of the insurance industry to promote competition, bring the consumer closer to the purchasing decision, resolve the issues of portability and pre-existing conditions, allow for competition across state lines, implement sensible tort reform, etc.