9/30/2021 3:47:05 PM
Bet you wish you could delete that post....no stones here as I have posted some doozies in the past. I am pretty sure you can look at the amount of revenue/profit these pharma companies generate for each product they sell in their quartlery or annual SEC reporting. There is a reason they have made billions in additional revenue over the last 12 months, not to mention the billions they were given by the govt to develop them, which I was fine with by the way. I do wish they had put equal emphasis and funds toward effective treatments, including really studying Ivermectin and HCQ.....but big pharma was definitely not interested in seeing those approved for two reasons. One, they would lose their EUA for the gene therapies and billions in revenue and two, they make very little per dose for Ivermectin and HCQ compared to either the so-called vaccines or a new version of Ivermectin.
To be more clear, my point is that whoever pays for the new Ivermectin (govt, 3rd party insurance, etc.) Merck will be getting a whole lot more revenue from their new pill versus the generic version. My secondary point is that even though the new product does exactly what the current Ivermectin does, it will get approval for use with Covid and Ivermectin will still be dismissed. Always follow the money as the guy from J&J said to Project Veritas.