Folks don't automatically accept what MM says as true. It usually isn't
See Forbes Sr. contributor Bruce Y Lee...4/22/21 and Rick Rouan USA Today....4/26/21
It seems the study from Stanford / NIH demonstrating Masks are not effective and in fact might be harmful is actually not from Stanford, not actually a study and does not show masks to be ineffective or harmful. It was actually an article a ''clinical exercise physiologist, Barych Vainshelboim PHD published in the Jan issue of Jouirnal of Medical Hypotheses which is a journal known for publishing ''fringe science'' and which even says it's purpose is ''to publish interesting theoretical papers''. Dr Vainshelboim is not affiliated with Stanford or NIH. Stanford spokesperson states ''He was a a one year visiting scholar at Stanford in 2016 on matters unrelated to the subject of the paper.'' Stanford has issued a statement disvowing the claims of Dr Vainshelboim, asking him to correct the record and saying that the overwhelming evidence is that masks are an effective way to slow the spread of Covid.
When I have the time I will do a little research on MM's MIT claims. I expect a similar outcome. Sure wish you too gullible anti-science Trump Cultist would occasionally show a little initive to get to the truth for yourselves.